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MITMACHAKTION - Seien Sie ein Held für Tiere in Käfigen

2021-05-30 11:08

Menschen für Tierrechte Baden-Württemberg ist Teil der End the Cage Age-Initiative und die Entscheidung des EU-Parlaments steht nach der Anhörung kurz bevor. Die Initiative fordert, Käfige in der landwirtschaftlichen Tierhaltung bis 2027 auslaufen zu lassen. 1,4 Millionen EU-Bürger unterzeichneten die Initiative und nun müssen wir sicherstellen, dass das EU-Parlament den Forderungen seiner Bürger nachkommt. In ein paar Wochen findet die Abstimmung über den Antrag statt.

Bis dahin können Sie ein Held für Tiere sein und die Mitglieder des EU-Parlaments bitten, ein Käfigfreies Europa zu unterstützen. Es gibt insgesamt über 400 Mitglieder des EU-Parlaments, die sich bisher eher bedeckt bis ablehnend zu der Initiative verhalten haben. Sie sind diesmal das Ziel der Aktion. 

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Vielen Dank im Namen aller eingesperrten Tiere in der Landwirtschaft


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Dear Member of the European Parliament,

Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament vote on the Resolution on the European Citizens’ Initiative “End the Cage Age” (2021/2633(RSP)) planned for the week of 7 June, I ask you to support a phase out of the use of cages in animal farming and vote in favour of the Resolution.

Together with 1.4 million people across the EU who signed the ‘End the Cage Age’ European Citizens’ Initiative, I call on you to spare the unnecessary suffering of the hundreds of millions of farmed animals across the EU, who still spend all or part of their lives in cages, pens or stalls. Egg-laying hens in the so-called ‘enriched cages’ have only the space of about an A4 sheet of paper, which does not allow them to perform basic needs such as dustbathing and wing-flapping. Rabbits raised for meat are sometimes unable to stretch up or out fully and generally do not have enough space to perform a single hop. Almost all adult female pigs spend nearly half of every year inside crates, in which they cannot even turn around.

In February this year, over 140 scientists, including the famous ethologist Dr. Jane Goodall, called on the EU to end the use of cages in farming. About a month later, major food producers and retailers including Unilever, Nestlé, Barilla, Ferrero and Mondelēz confirmed that a cage-free future is possible and called on the EU to act. During the European Parliament Hearing of the Initiative in April, it received support by the vast majority of MEPs, the Committee of the Regions, as well as the EU Health and Agriculture Commissioners.

I thus call on you, as a directly elected representative of the European people, to vote in favour of the Resolution supporting the ‘End the Cage Age’ European Citizens’ Initiative.

Yours sincerely,



© Tierrechte Baden-Württemberg

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