Appell für ein Tierschutzgesetz in China

Appell für ein Tierschutzgesetz in China


Angesichts kürzlicher, besorgniserregender Vorfälle und anhaltender Bedenken zum Thema Tierschutz in China haben wir einen offenen Brief an den chinesischen Botschafter in Deutschland gesendet. In diesem Brief fordern wir die Einführung eines umfassenden Tierschutzgesetzes, das Tierquälerei verhindert und einen besseren Schutz für Tiere gewährleistet.

Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass China mit der Verabschiedung eines solchen Gesetzes ein positives Beispiel für Mitgefühl, Verantwortung und Fortschritt auf der globalen Bühne setzen kann. Der beigefügte Brief hebt die dringende Notwendigkeit für Veränderung hervor und bezieht sich auf Videomaterial, das die Dringlichkeit dieser Sache unterstreicht. Dieses wurde uns von deutschen die in China leben übermittelt und kann hier angesehen werden: https://youtu.be/_QoyD5qoUWQ

Lesen Sie den Brief und unterstützen Sie uns dabei, sich für die Rechte von Tieren weltweit einzusetzen. Bitte schreiben auch Sie an den chinesischen Botschafter.


To His Excellency

H.E. Mr. Deng Hongbo

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China

Märkisches Ufer 54

10179 Berlin


Stuttgart, 17th January 2025

Open Letter: Advocating for an Animal Welfare Law in China – A Call for Progress and Compassion

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

We greatly admire the remarkable progress your country has achieved in recent years. “Made in China” is now synonymous worldwide with innovation, efficiency, and economic advancement. However, while China leads in many areas, one crucial issue remains significantly underdeveloped: the treatment of animals and the lack of legal protection for their welfare.

Recently, we participated in a global campaign against the so-called “Cat Torture Ring,” a deeply disturbing issue that sparked outrage worldwide. This case underscores the urgent need for an animal welfare law that strictly prohibits and penalizes intentional animal cruelty. Such measures not only protect animals but also safeguard public health and safety, as deliberate cruelty to animals often indicates severe psychological issues that may pose a danger to society.

We have now received new footage from China that deeply concerns us. It depicts individuals in an enclosure where, for an admission fee, they chase and capture roosters, ducks and pigs. Those who manage to catch the animals are allowed to keep them as “prizes.” This practice causes immense stress for the animals, carries a high risk of injury, and often leads to further suffering after their capture. In one instance, a man is seen holding a rooster by its legs while the animal cries out. While he held the rooster

upside down, he tries to try to catch other animals, demonstrating a blatant disregard for the suffering of sentient beings.

Such behavior is fundamentally at odds with the respect for life. While China is recognized globally for its progress and innovative practices, the values conveyed by these actions are outdated and inhumane. A

modern and compassionate nation should stand for the protection of all living beings, including those without a voice.

Enacting a comprehensive animal welfare law would not only prevent immeasurable suffering but also send a powerful message that China is committed to empathy, humanity, and moral responsibility. It would greatly enhance your nation’s global reputation and foster trust in the values China seeks to represent as a leading nation.

We urge you to advocate for this important cause. Protecting animals is not an obstacle to progress; rather, it is a crucial step toward a civilized, just, and modern China.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We hope for meaningful change.


Julia Thielert
M.Sc. Animal Welfare Science

Humans for Animal Rights Baden-Württemberg

Hasenbergsteige 15
Stuttgart 70178


















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